Later, a fully human R and Julie watch the wall surrounding the city being demolished, signifying the end of the apocalypse. The humans and zombies combine forces and kill most of the Boneys while the rest perish from starvation, as the zombies slowly come back to life and assimilate into human society. Julie attempts to persuade him that R has changed, when she notices that he is bleeding from his wound – revealing that he has completely revived and is human once more. Colonel Grigio arrives and shoots R in the shoulder without warning. After Julie pulls R from the bottom of the pool, they kiss.

Taking the only escape route, R jumps with Julie into a pool far below, shielding her from the impact. While M and his gang of zombies square off against the Boneys, Julie and R run, but find themselves trapped. Julie and R escape to a baseball stadium where the rest of R's group is waiting, but find themselves under attack by Boneys. Colonel Grigio dismisses them and threatens to kill R, stopping only when Nora pulls a gun on him. When R reveals that the other corpses are also coming back to life, the three of them attempt to tell Colonel Grigio, Julie's father and leader of the survivors. R finds Julie and meets her friend Nora, who is shocked to see R in the territory and notices R's growing humanity. R and M lead a group to the human enclave, where R sneaks inside the wall. He discovers that M and other zombies are also showing signs of life, making them targets for the Boneys – skeletal zombies who, having lost their humanity, have shed their flesh and prey on anything with a heartbeat. R begins making his way back to the airport, heartbroken. On the way, R reveals to Julie that he killed Perry, prompting her to abandon him and return home alone. After fending off a group including M, who is confused by R's actions, R decides to return her to the human enclave.

After a few days, Julie gets restless, and tries to return home, yet attracts swarms of zombies. The two bond, listening to LP records and playing games to kill time, causing R to begin to come to life his heart starts beating and he is slowly able to communicate with more words. R insists that Julie stay with him for a few days, until he deems it safe enough for her to leave. She starts trusting him after he rescues her during a failed escape attempt and finds food for her. Julie is terrified of R and suspicious of his intentions.

He rescues her from the rest of the pack by wiping some zombie blood on her face, masking her scent, and takes her to an airplane he resides in to keep her safe. Perry's memories increase R's attraction to Julie. After being shot in the chest by Julie's boyfriend, Perry, R kills him and eats his brain while Julie is distracted. R sees Julie and is drawn to her his heart beats for the first time. While R and a pack of zombies are hunting for food, they encounter Julie Grigio and a group of her friends, who were sent by Julie's father from a walled-off human enclave to recover medical supplies. As a zombie, R does not have a heartbeat and constantly craves human flesh, especially brains, as he is able to "feel alive" through experiencing the victims' memories when he eats them. R and M achieve rudimentary communication with grunts and moans and occasional near-words. About eight years after a zombie apocalypse, R, a zombie who cannot recall his name but believes it began with an "R", spends his days wandering around an airport which is now filled with his fellow undead, including his best friend M.